The Pledge of Allegiance - by Senator John McCain

來源: eRandom 2014-08-16 17:53:19 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (17768 bytes)
In light of the recent appeals court ruling in California , with respect to the Pledge of Allegiance, the following recollection from Senator John McCain is very appropriate:
"The Pledge of Allegiance" - by Senator John McCain
As you may know, I spent five and one half years as a prisoner of war
during the Vietnam War.  In the early years of our imprisonment,
the NVA kept us in solitary confinement two or three to a cell.
In 1971 the NVA moved us from these conditions of isolation into large rooms
with as many as 30 to 40 men to a room.
This was, as you can imagine, a wonderful change and was a direct result
of the efforts of millions of Americans on behalf of
a few hundred POW's 10,000 miles from home.
One of the men who moved into my room
was a young man named Mike Christian.
Mike came from a small town near Selma , Alabama .
He didn't wear a pair of shoes until he was 13 years old.
At 17, he enlisted in the US Navy. He later earned a commission
by going to Officer Training School . Then he became a
Naval Flight Officer and was shot down and captured in 1967.
Mike had a keen and deep appreciation of the opportunities this country and
our military provide for people who want to work and want to succeed.
As part Of the change in treatment,
the Vietnamese allowed some prisoners to receive packages from home.
In some of these packages were handkerchiefs,
scarves and other items of clothing.
Mike got himself a bamboo needle. Over a period of a couple of months,
he created an American flag and sewed on the inside of his shirt.
Every afternoon, before we had a bowl of soup,
we would hang Mike's shirt on the wall of the cell
and say the Pledge of Allegiance.
I know the Pledge of Allegiance may not seem the
most important part of our day now, but I can assure you that
in that stark cell it was indeed
the most important and meaningful event.
One day the Vietnamese searched our cell, as they did periodically,
and discovered Mike's shirt with the flag sewn inside, and removed it.
That evening they returned, opened the door of the cell, and for
the benefit of all of us, beat Mike Christian severely for the next couple of hours.
Then, they opened the door of the cell and threw him in.
We cleaned him up as well as we could.
The cell in which we lived had a concrete slab in the middle
on which we slept. Four naked light bulbs hung in each corner of the room.
As I said, we tried to clean up Mike as well as we could. After the excitement
died down, I looked in the corner of the room, and sitting there beneath
that dim light bulb with a piece of red cloth, another shirt and his
bamboo needle, was my friend, Mike Christian. He was sitting there
with his eyes almost shut from the beating he had received,
making another American flag. He was not making the flag because it
made Mike Christian feel better. He was making that flag because he knew
how important it was to us to be able to Pledge our allegiance to our flag and country.
So the next time you say the Pledge of Allegiance,
you must never forget the sacrifice and courage
that thousands of Americans have made to build our nation
and promote freedom around the world.
You must remember our duty, our honor, and our country.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the republic for which it stands, one nation   under God ,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


感動!美國人挺愛國的,學生念pledge of allegiance,體育比賽前唱國歌.謝謝分享^_^ -京燕花園- 給 京燕花園 發送悄悄話 京燕花園 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/16/2014 postreply 21:41:39

小時候也常為自己國家的國旗、國歌而感動。現在想來,是感動於人類生發的那種神聖而莊嚴的精神。現在,俺的祖國,這種神聖、莊嚴感已消失 -eRandom- 給 eRandom 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/16/2014 postreply 22:41:30

真是感人!讓人想起江姐獄中繡紅旗。 -南山鬆- 給 南山鬆 發送悄悄話 南山鬆 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2014 postreply 16:41:36

Pledge to memorize those who fight to protect our freedom. -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/18/2014 postreply 20:05:34



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