【 旅遊分享活動】美麗的海灘,迷人的島嶼,你聽說過這個地方嗎?--St Thomas


美麗的海灘,迷人的島嶼,你聽說過這個地方嗎?--St Thomas

今年的六月底七月初,我們全家飛到了加勒比海附近的美屬島嶼 St Thomas. 在那裏,兩個孩子嚷著要拿潛水執照, 我們執拗不過,隻好答應。以前,我們做渡輪來過加勒比海,但是,沒有來過St Thomas島。這次,我們要在這裏呆上一周。

有朋友問我,St Thomas 在哪裏。 去了之後,我才清楚。 原來,St Thomas是美屬維爾京群島中的一個島嶼。維爾京群島又稱Virgin Islands of the United State, or United States Virgin Islands. 它接壤於波多黎各東部。原屬丹麥,1916年被美國買下。Virgin Islands有50多個大小島嶼組成,其中,最大的島嶼有三個:St Thomas, St John, and St Croix. 首府在St Thomas。島上風景秀麗,適合多項水上運動,如潛浮(snorkeling), 潛水 (Diving) 及航海(Sailing)等。除此之外,小島上也有商業區,適合購物;國家公園,在森利中徒步等等。

島上的居民是美國公民,講英文,待遇和其他州一樣。唯一不同的是,這裏的人們沒有總統選舉權, 除非他們搬到美國其它州居住。另外,這裏開車在左邊,讓人很不習慣。


島上的海灘一個接一個,比比皆是。在St Thomas, Magens Bay是遊人們最常去的海灘.  而我自己最喜歡的海灘是St John島上的Trunk Bay. 下麵的圖片就是Trunk Bay.  長長的海岸線上綿延著壯觀的白色沙灘,宛若世外桃源。人們在這裏盡情地漂浮(Snorkeling), 潛水(diving). 曬太陽,劃舢板,滿眼的熱帶棕櫚樹,一望無際的湛藍大海,讓人陶醉其中,忘掉了世間的一切煩惱。 

      在St John島上,2/3是國家公園。當年洛克菲洛家族買了這片土地,後來,他們把它交還給國家,但前提是,這些土地不能開發,隻能用做國家公園。

連續幾天, 孩子們坐上小艇,早出晚歸,駛向大海,如饑似渴地學習潛水。終於,他們如願以償,雙雙拿到了潛水執照。我為他們的勇敢而自豪,但是,私下裏,也為他們的安全而擔憂。

在島上,我們參加了St Thomas 一日遊,每人49元。還去了St John一日遊。St John一日遊很值得去,因為,這個行程包括做帆船,參觀國家公園,學習潛浮(Snorkeling),還有購物。。Trunk Bay就是St John一日遊的一個景點。   


Scenic Views (Drake's Seat & Skyline)
St. Thomas is mountainous and offers beautiful views. The most popular lookouts are Drakes Seat and Skyline Drive Overlook. Drake’s Seat was built in 1933 by Arthur Fairchild. In those days navigating the hills of St. Thomas involved traveling by horse or foot. He thought the spot where he put Drake’s Seat was a nice place for a rest. You too can take a break and enjoy the fabulous view from the famous seat! About 2 minutes drive away is Skyline Drive Overlook. It offers a panoramic harbor view including Charlotte Amalie, Hassel Island, Water Island and more! Both spots are popular with taxi tours. Bring your camera.

Mountain Top
Mountain Top is located on Signal Hill which is 1,480 feet above sea level. It is one of the highest points on the island; the highest being Crown Mountain at 1,556 feet. Signal Hill was used in the 1940s by the U.S. government as a strategic communications location. The spectacular view from the hilltop includes Magens Bay, Drake’s Passage and neighboring islands. It was once voted one of the top vistas in the world. To facilitate taking in the view is Mountain Top, a scenic lookout, large souvenir shop and bar rolled into one attraction.


     美麗的Virgin Islands. 我不得不和你說再見了,我會再回來的。




                                    Pressure - Virgin Islands Nice - Official Music VIdeo .
