試譯“Let me give you my vision: ...”

來源: wave_forest 2013-04-17 14:10:21 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1198 bytes)
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為英壇寫了一篇“撒切爾夫人與“歐洲病夫” 用她的 “Let me give you my vision: ...” 結尾。


Let me give you my vision: A man's right to work as he will, to spend what he earns, to own property, to have the State as servant and not as master -- these are the British inheritance. They are the essence of a free economy. And on that freedom all our other freedoms depend.

“讓我給你我的願景:一個人有按他意願去工作的權利、有花自己錢的權利、有擁有財產的權利、有使國家成為仆人而不是主人的權利 -- 這是英國的遺產、也是自由經濟的精髓。所有其它自由建立在經濟自由這一基礎之上。”


Nice! Thanks! -wave_forest- 給 wave_forest 發送悄悄話 wave_forest 的博客首頁 (411 bytes) () 04/17/2013 postreply 14:40:01

how about “這是我給你的願景:”? -qunide- 給 qunide 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/24/2013 postreply 12:53:02



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