抬頭見笑 (圖)

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A character of 笑 in a shop (笑p) next to a eyeglass shop is the first one I saw today, maybe I rarely shopped around. 笑 is a familiar expression of Mao, 1937 to 1970, three decades long, including 1961 in the Lushan when situation become severe.

After my bad encounter in 2005, 4 yr in wxc brought me some joyful moment which soothed me, thank my nice friends. Although no reason for the best and last laugh, I see the twilight for celebration.

Keep humming is Sargent's habit, more practical for me in other time.


Nice ... -Lucidus- 給 Lucidus 發送悄悄話 Lucidus 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2013 postreply 10:21:22
