After 5 years of church life, his face is brimming over with joyce for he has seen the brilliant light from heaven. He even invited a homeless man to live in for 3 months. "We are all sinners." "A demon once harrased me." He said.I should change my expression by this secret.
A lemon tree, a wonder for me, small one in pot but fruitfull.He does home maintenance job, whose son is playing drum, he should be enlisted in troop for this talent.
Electric heater is another idea I may try to reduce my bill. On the way I looked at a tartoo artist is on duty, reminds of Norman Rockwell. We live on the earth but in different world.
開除人還在,精盡人始亡,經驗已遭受,試驗去盼望. 7 E- The counter measure is economy.