Social political system, be it democratic or autocratic, is meant to group men into different hierarachies. One can live and play by the rules set forth by the founders, or one can make new rules. Democracy is just one of the games. It's the collective will of the majority overpowering the minority (sounds like majority autocratic to me). So far it seems to be holding itself together for the moment. It will fail eventually. For one thing, US economy being the most vibrant one of the world, how come the enterprise culture is totally autocratic. The US government running the world's largest deficit is the direct result of its democratic process. Now, Obama is using the classic divide and conquer ploy to rip off people making 250k and above. Where is this line going to be next time, 200k? 150? or 50?. I say, when the general public slides into poverty deeper and deeper, when more than 50% never have to pay income taxes any more, democracy will favor the rip off the riches play every time until the riches fight or flight, to break away from the game rules. It's always easy to vote for other people's money than to earn it.
No man lives equal
That's a distorted view of democracy
(367 bytes)
12/03/2012 postreply
Agree democarcy is not perfect
(102 bytes)
12/03/2012 postreply