Only some are more equal

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回答: All Men Are Created Equalbmdn2012-12-01 19:06:52

than the others. haha

Even though you don't seem to rate the movie very high, your writing shows that it might actually be a lot more successful than you thought, for it stirred up such a wide range of thoughts in you.

With your language skills, I think you are capable of presenting more beautiful work just by refining it and making the essay more focused and the main point(s) better elaborated. This one seems to be done in a rush. The third paragraph looks especially so. "... as the credits at the end shown", shown --> show, ?

Thanks for sharing. I should go watch this one and Anna Karenina too.



Thank you for reading -bmdn- 給 bmdn 發送悄悄話 (425 bytes) () 12/02/2012 postreply 08:06:54
