CBC 新聞視頻/quite a few blanks 好幾處

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30) http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/ID/2298533684/

1:14 one solution to make sure that heart is an (unlisted?) thing to think about when sick children show up in the emergency room, that's why cardiologist are representing new guideline for doctors at this conference in Toronto.

31) http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/ID/2298525857/

0:48 we woke up, starting(started?) in our bedroom, with a dried( )on top of it, insulation tar paper, dust, dirt, (rain?) ah, it scared the hack out of us.

0:59 and one morning ( ) rainbow, it was a scary night.

2:21 Of course, we are at the mercy of (任憑。。。擺布)the weather...and the weather is still volatile.

32) http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Business/ID/2298499780/

There is an economic downturn has hurt young workers just (不成正比? )

2:04 Can you differentiate if it actually means free employing young people so they can get the career out of it, can raise a family, at least stand a living ( ) flipping burgers and ( ) pine trees.

4:47 Well, as a personal decision, of course, we've long stood for reducing tax(products? ), you know, we are at the forefront of that. we are a big (believer) ) in reducing cost , corporate tax, but importantly also simplify taxes, just the cost just the cost ( )and (administrate?) taxes costs and people, and you know we have really a ( ) of policy overall I mean around taxation and interest revenue and dividends, and it is possibly( ) reform.



Good morning! Xiaoman.I am very sleepy, and trying to stay awake.

1. 1:14 one solution to make sure that heart is (on a list of things) to think about when sick children show up in the emergency room, that's why cardiologist are representing new guideline for doctors at this conference in Toronto.

2. 0:48 we woke up, (it started) in our bedroom, with a (dry wall) on top of it (us), insulation tar paper, dust, dirt, (rain) ah, it scared the hack out of us.

0:59 and one (while?)morning (brought) rainbow, it was a scary night.

2:21 Of course, we are at the mercy of the weather...and the weather is still volatile.

3. There is an economic downturn has hurt young workers (dispropotionally).

2:04 Can you differentiate if it (is) actually means free (meaningfully) employing young people so they can get the career out of it, can raise a family (at a decent standard of living) (versus) flipping burgers and (planting) pine trees.


回複:CBC 新聞視頻/quite a few blanks 好幾處 -NewVoice- 給 NewVoice 發送悄悄話 NewVoice 的博客首頁 (2116 bytes) () 10/31/2012 postreply 07:37:09

聲姐好!謝聲姐!學習了,我回頭再仔細聽那幾段。 -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 sportwoman 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/31/2012 postreply 07:39:35
