As a matter of fact, I just started to learn English 3 or 4 weeks ago! :) I would say that your remarks are interesting, how did you conclude that I had learned English just for a several months? I regret that I have been poking around offline and online doing nothing and it certainly is a waste of time. Never assume for it makes an ASS out of U and ME .I always can't help laughing when one of my friends says this to me in a joking manner when I assume something thinking what it is supposed to be. Neither what you said about me being lost and frustrated reflected in this post nor what you assumed that I had learned English for just a few months is not true. Probably this assumption was made based on the day my first post appeared in this forum? To tell you the true, I was not learning back then, I was playing :)). Seriously , comparisons of skills of using English, Chinese and whatever are not supposed to made since there are no standards between people, especially in a public forum which people are from all different education and cultural backgrounds. To me, the attitude of hanging out in a forum is that I don't care and never assume who has been learning what for how long, but I sincerely look up to everyone for everyone has something valuable to share and contribute. Good day!