謝謝sis, 有點明白了。

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回答: rajah:link在這裏非文學青年2012-10-15 18:27:02


I did not know that rajah is a pet tiger in Aladdin. Now I know why Gat*****y pursued a tiger. In the previous paragraph, Gat*****y also claimed that he hunted big game, and a tiger is definitely big game.

About “sawdust”, I just found this on the Internet:

The phrase "leaking sawdust at every pore" relates to how the old days the mannequins were covered with cloth and filled with sawdust and the sawdust would leak through the cloth because it was fake. (http://vestaviarebel13.blogspot.com/2010/10/1-dust-in-gat*****y.html)
