禮節美語:Internet Security(2)(音頻文字)

來源: 祤湫霖 2012-10-08 06:00:52 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3760 bytes)
禮節美語:Internet Security(2)(音頻文字) ZT


D: We may never be able to trace the origin of this attack. But what we can do is work harder to make our systems impenetrable.

B: Yes, a lot of people are quite lazy with computer security.

D: That's true. For example, many people almost never change their passwords.

B: Or they use ridiculously easy-to-guess passwords.

C: Um....I guess I'm guilty of that. I don't think I've ever changed my password.

Dylan說,他們可能永遠都查不到這次駭客襲擊是誰幹的,但他們可以吃一塹長一智,加倍努力 to make our systems impenetrable. 讓我們電腦係統的安全滴水不漏,impenetrable is spelled i-m-p-e-n-e-t-r-a-b-l-e, impenetrable 是無法進入的意思。Brenda說,很多人太大意,不重視電腦安全,從來不換密碼,或是用的密碼太簡單。Cory說,I'm guilty of that. 我就是這種人,從不換密碼。Dylan 說,

D: And let me guess.....your password is, "1234."

C: Well, it's not quite that simple....

B: Let me take a guess.... It's your wife's birthday.

C: That's incredible! How did you guess that? Have you been spying on me?

B: (Chuckle) Nope. It's just that you selected one of the most common passwords on the planet. Are you a member of any social networking websites?

C: Yes, a couple.

B: Then your wife's birthday is probably public knowledge.

D: That's right! In the Internet age, very few things are private anymore. If I do a little research on you, I'll bet I can find out where you were born, what school you went to, your wife's maiden name....even the name of your dog!

Dylan和Brenda一下子就猜到了Cory的密碼,原來他用的是太太的生日,one of the most common passwords on the planet 最常見的密碼之一。由於Cory業餘時間用社交網站,所以實際上,他太太的生日簡直就是public knowledge 公開的信息。Dylan還說,在互聯網和社交網站如此發達的今天,沒有多少信息是真正保密的,稍微上網找一下,出生地,上過的學校,太太的名字等等都能找到。Cory說,

C: Wow, I hope I wasn't responsible for this recent attack. What's a good password then?

D: A good password uses a mixture of letters and numbers. For example, think of a simple sentence such as, "I like ice cream on Sundays." Take the first letter from each word in the sentence....and, because Sunday is the first day of the week, add the number 1 at the end.

C: So my password would be, "I-L-I-C-O-S-1?"

B: Yeah! That's a pretty difficult password to break....and it's easy to remember.

D: And....don't forget to change it every couple of months.
C: Good thinking. I'm going to go change my password right now!

Dylan說,密碼最好是用字母和數字的組合。他舉例說,可以想一句話,I like ice cream on Sundays. 用這句話每個單詞的首寫字母,最後麵再加個1,因為星期天是一周的第一天。這樣的密碼又好記,又難破譯。Cory 高興地說,他現在就去改密碼。




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