A true story: My friend's father physically and verbally abused

回答: 我倒覺得更多因為miscommunication.北京二號2012-08-31 17:53:34

her old brother. Her father whipped her brother using a coach whip that he brought home from the war--he was a veteran of World War 2,  so he got quite a few weapons including guns and all kinds of coach whips. Although he was a communication soldier because his religion didn't allow him to kill in the front lines, he still got enough power to beat the hell out of his son after he came back home. But he didn't beat girls, so my friend, who is now  about 60  survived---I didn't mean her brother got killed by her father, but her brother left home when he was 18 with hatred against his father. He moved to the west of Canada and since he didn't talk to his father until that old man was very sick lying on his deathbed.
