As I was walking toward the garden path that ran between the gate house and the wall, I heard a vehicle crunching the gravel behind me. I turned to see a white Lexus SUV heading toward the open gates, driven by Susan Stanhope Sutter. 當我朝著那連接門房與牆的花間路走去的時候,我聽見背後有一輛車碾著碎石向我駛來。 我回頭一看,是一輛白色的雷克薩斯運動跑車,司機是Susan。
The Lexus slowed, and we made
eye contact. She'd seen the BMW, of course, and may have know to whom it belonged, but even if she didn't she knew I had company of some sort.
It 's awkward making eye contact with the former love of your life, into whose eyes you no longer wishe to look, and I didn't know what to do. Wave? Blow a kiss? Flip the bird? Ms. Post?Help me. 與舊愛眼神接觸是件別扭的事,看著對方那雙你不再迷戀的眼眸真不知如何是好,揮手致意?飛吻?或給她一個中指?拜托Post夫人!
It was Susan who waved, almost perfunctiorily, then she accelerated through the gates. making a hard, tire-screeching right onto Grace Lane. 是Susan先對我敷衍地揮揮手,然後她把車開進門房,當車子經過格蕾絲巷時輪胎與地麵摩擦發出尖叫聲。
I noticed that my mood had darkened. Why does Susan Sutter still have the power to affect my frame of mind? 我的心情立馬跌入低穀。為何Susan還有能量來影響我的心情呢?
I needed to answer that question honestly, before I sould move on. 在越雷池之前我恐怕得要把這個問題先搞清楚。