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格拉斯曼(Glassman)說,奧運選手們會吃很多的食物——其分量甚至大於普通人處於極度饑餓狀態的食量。遊泳名將邁克爾?菲爾普斯(Michael Phelps)在2008年北京奧運會驚豔表現的秘訣之一就是,他每天都會消耗高達12000卡路裏的熱量。

Glassman said Olympians eat a lot of food - quantities that for ordinary people would constitute pigging out. One secret of swimmer Michael Phelps' astonishing performance in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing was consuming as many as 12,000 calories in one day.

pig out

[phrasal verb] informal: to eat a lot of food at one time
I pigged out at the picnic.

often + on

The boys pigged out on pizza.


Microsoft's new Outlook.com looks elegant and has a remarkably user-friendly interface. If you're overwhelmed by a cluttered inbox, want a better way to sort emails or need an easier way to share photos and files, Outlook.com is a winner.

《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)成功抵擋住了新片發起的挑戰,連續第三個周末排在票房榜首位。

'The Dark Knight Rises' fended off competition by new releases to remain dominant for the third consecutive weekend.

作為泳池中距離最長的比賽,1,500米自由泳是考驗選手耐力的一塊試金石。孫楊此次打破了自己去年在世界遊泳錦標賽上創造的14分34秒14的世界紀錄。在去年的世界錦標賽上,孫楊打破了澳大利亞遊泳名將哈克特(Grant Hackett)保持了10年之久的紀錄。

The longest event in the pool, the 1,500 meter freestyle is a true testament of endurance. Sun Yang broke the world record of 13 minutes 34.14 seconds he set in World Aquatics Championships last year, when he succeeded Australia’s reigning champion of a decade, Grant Hackett.

tes·ta·ment /ˈtɛstəmənt/ noun
plural tes·ta·ments

1: proof or evidence that something exists or is true [count]
▪ The success of the album, which is only available online, is a testament to the power/strength of the Internet. [noncount]
▪ The event is testament to [=evidence of] what a small group of determined people can do.

2 [count] law: the legal instructions in which you say who should receive your property, possessions, etc., after you die :will
▪ a person's last will and testament

羅格斯大學(Rutgers University)人類學教授羅伯特·特裏弗斯(Robert Trivers)表示,相信自己比實際更有天分或者更聰明,能讓我們感染甚至說服他人。特裏弗斯在2011年出版了《愚人愚道》(The Folly of Fools)一書,著重探討了這個問題。

Believing we are more talented or intelligent than we really are can help us influence and win over others, says Robert Trivers, an anthropology professor at Rutgers University and author of 'The Folly of Fools,' a 2011 book on the subject.
