
來源: sportwoman 2012-08-03 11:24:13 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1152 bytes)
回答: textremember2forget2012-08-03 11:06:36

一說到詩詞,名篇,也許很多人想到的詩人們儒雅的風度和飄逸的氣質。也許我不夠浪漫也不夠樂觀,我想到的是如果詩人月上柳梢頭人約黃昏後是否該戴一頂帽子為妙? When it comes to speak of poet, poems, and masterpieces,maybe many people would conjure up of graceful manner and elegant temperament of those poets. Maybe I am not romantic and optimistic enough, I would wish they could wear a hat while waiting for their date underneath a tree.



Seeing this picture in my facebook I could not help recaling the unpleasant experience I had a few years ago when I was walking to meet my job interviewer that afternoon. That is why I hate birds, and that is why I have practiced my shooting skills since. Therefore, I think I am qualified to prove the saying of "a burnt child fears the fire" is true.一朝被蛇咬十年怕草繩?多謝閱讀! 請指教!



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