
本帖於 2012-07-26 08:15:56 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯
回答: *=*=*《每日一譯》*=*=*DailyTranslation2012-07-24 18:19:36

外界此前普遍預計入尼克斯隊一定會挽留林書豪。此前,這名23歲的哈佛大學(Harvard University)畢業生曾在2月份憑借著一連串驚人表現為尼克斯隊帶來了驚天逆轉,在對陣洛杉磯湖人隊的比賽中,林書豪狂砍38分表現讓所有人瞠目結舌,也使林來瘋”(Linsanity)一詞席卷全球。


It was predicted that the Knicks would do everything to keep Jeremy Lin. Earlier in February, the 23-year-old Harvard graduate saved the Knicks by a series of incredible performances. During the game against LA Lakers, Lin stunned everyone by scoring 38 points, that made the word"Linsanity" sweeping around the world.
