
本帖於 2012-07-26 08:15:56 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯
回答: *=*=*《每日一譯》*=*=*DailyTranslation2012-07-24 18:19:36

外界此前普遍預計入尼克斯隊一定會挽留林書豪。此前,這名23歲的哈佛大學(Harvard University)畢業生曾在2月份憑借著一連串驚人表現為尼克斯隊帶來了驚天逆轉,在對陣洛杉磯湖人隊的比賽中,林書豪狂砍38分表現讓所有人瞠目結舌,也使林來瘋”(Linsanity)一詞席卷全球。


It was generally believed that the Nicks would keep Jeremy.  Earlier, a serial of astonishing performances by this 32-year old Harvard Graduate in February reversed Kick's losing stream.  In one game against Laker, all were dumbfounded to see him score 38 points.  Since then, the word "Linsanity" has swept the world.






