
來源: sportwoman 2012-07-16 13:06:59 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (15112 bytes)
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那一年暑假七月份最熱的那周,我和幾個同學臨時決定去附近的營盆野營。我們都是第一次去,基本是沒啥經驗的。除了帶生活必需品外我們還帶了能喂飽一隊人馬的食物,還有防蚊水,防曬油等重要東西。不曾記得小時候挨餓是什麽樣的一種感覺了,也不知道這是否屬於多數國人的一種習慣,反正我認識的國人都那樣,包括我自己--去到哪裏都要確保糧草充足,當然,吃不完兜著走最好不過啦。一個加拿大朋友曾問我為啥我們中國人請朋友吃飯都弄那麽多吃的,我說我們都餓了幾千年了, 然後我一邊看她驚訝的臉部表情一邊偷樂,欲跟她說“朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨”想想還是算了。上一代人的危機感是否會遺傳給後代?我不得而知,反正食物我們是帶足的,時刻怕餓著。就這樣我們兩輛車載著食物浩浩蕩蕩的向營盆方向進發。

That summer in the hottest week in July, off the cuff, I and some friends of mine decided to camp in a camping ground within 2 hours drive from the city where we live. That was our first time to go camping, so  basically no one had relevant experience.  Except for necessities we prepared us a plenty of food that could satisfy a whole army, plus something very important, such as bug repellent and sun scream. I couldn't remember  what the feelings of being starving was like when I was little  I don't know if this is a habit to many Chinese or not, to those who I know, including myself, no matter where we go, we all  like to ensure that food is more than enough.  Once a Canadian friend asked me why Chinese people like to prepare  a lot of food when friends come over, I said:"We have been hungry for thousands of years.That is why "  and then I enjoyed looking at her surprising expressions in her face.  Food is always the theme. I am not sure if we could inherit the feelings of insecurity from our last generation,anyway,we packed way more than enough food for that trip. Carrying a lot of food we hit the road approaching the campground that morning.



The weather  was so nice that day. Two hours later we arrived at the well-known campground in a resort in the province. That is a huge park adjacent to the Atlantic ocean, with a lot of woods and, of course, a lot of mosquitoes as well.  At the entrance, we got our numbers for the camp sites, and after we found our sites, we unloaded our stuff and put up the tents. With quite a few years of independent living experience, doing things like that was like a piece of cake, especially to guys, of courses, girls are not bad though.  Although   don't excel in doing in things like putting up tents, things like boiling water and making instant noodles won't give me a hard time.    


We only had two tents, one for girls and one for boys. Weather could change quickly in summer time.  We awoke at midnight to a  rainstorm with strong wind. Although our camp was located in a sort of basin, because we slept on an inflatable bed so we thought we would not get wet that easy, so we continued to sleep until dawn. What the heck, we should make ourselves at home, right?



But the next morning after we woke up, we found that it was so wet everywhere that big pot holes on the grounds and small pot holes on the top of our tents, and things like cooking wears, plates, bowls,  even tooth paste and watermelon were all dripping wet. What a mess!  Our camps looked like refugee camps, exactly.

因為雨持續地下,我們就決定那都不去就在帳篷了煮好吃的和打牌聊天。那個煮飯的帳篷遮太陽它是管用的,可是遮雨就未必了。一整天下來,從早到晚,我們不知吃了多少頓,吹了多少牛,打了多少圈牌。但一樣事情是肯定的,就是吃粥的時候發覺越吃越多,因為雨水都從帳篷外往裏漂灑在碗裏了。我是比較佩服我們對艱苦環境的適應能力的。 在一些人的眼裏我是一個比較安靜的人,或比較沉悶的人,我一不打牌,二不吹牛,三我不是很饞。所以他們玩牌吹牛吃東西,我就躲在帳篷裏看小說和睡覺。Because it continuously rained the whole day the next day so we decided to stay in the camp and not going anywhere. Beside cooking delicious food, we played cards and chatted and bragged like crazy.  Most of the time we stayed in the screen tent with electrocity and a pinic table where we cooked. That kind of screen tent could work very well when it is sunny, but it sucks when it is raining. From the early morning to late at night, we stayed there, ate and played. I could not remember how many meals we ate that day, but one thing for sure was that when we ate the rice congee, the more we ate the more we got in the bowl! Amazing eh?  But in fact it was the rain water from outside or  the roof of the tent! I really admire myself and my friends, because we could fit ourselves in a difficult situation like that. I could say that again, we are tough.

In the eyes of my friends, I am a kind of person who is quiet and doesn't know how to play cards, doesn't know how to brag and is not addicted to delicious  food either.  Maybe I am a boring person, I admit it.  So when they ate, played cards and bragged to each other, half of the time,  I settled myself inside the camp sleeping or reading my favorite novel.


During our 3-day camping vacation, it rained for two days. As a matter of fact, I still think it was fun. Anyhow, that was my first time to camp. Thanks for reading!





Thanks fo sharing! -Lucidus- 給 Lucidus 發送悄悄話 Lucidus 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/16/2012 postreply 15:38:03

向Lucidus師兄問好!請多指教! -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 sportwoman 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/16/2012 postreply 16:03:52



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