In the manuals of corporate dress codes, a woman's handbag rarely merits a mention. Yet the purse a woman carries to work is much more than a place to hold a hairbrush. A purse can send a signal about its owner's character.
柏柯爾說,在時尚和井井有條之間取得平衡是打造雅致、幹練形象的關鍵。柏柯爾(Ms. Botkier)當年做時尚攝影師時曾希望找一款既寬敞又時尚的包來放自己的行頭,於是她創立了獨具特色的手袋品牌Trigger。
Striking a balance between style and organization is crucial to projecting an image of chic competence, says Ms. Botkier, who developed her signature Trigger bag when she was a fashion photographer seeking a roomy but stylish bag for her gear.
An office handbag should be large enough for a set of ballet flats -- but not cavernous enough for a pair of heels; it might hold an iPad, but not a laptop.
A bag with a choice of straps or handles -- to wear across the body, hoist on a shoulder or dangle from a wrist -- gives commuters options.
When carrying gym clothes, paper files and other items too large for a purse, she carries a separate bag that doesn't conform to somber office dress codes and can be stashed under a desk.