I will leave the pronunciation of individual word to other commentators. They are more experienced in picking out off sounds than I am. Let me tell you how I feel in general when I was listening to your recording.
1. I have no problem understanding what you are reading without looking at the scripts. That means you are following English speaking rhythm and patterns. But there is room for improvement. You need to learn when to pause, letting your listeners to take a breath. Once you know when and how to pause, your “reading” will truly transform into “speaking”.
2. I don’t think the muscles around your mouth are relaxed. When you say “news”, “weather”, your mouth does not open wide enough.
3. Generally speaking, your reading is good and shows significant progress. Keep up good work. You are getting there, although it takes time.
4. When you reach next point of frustration, then it is time to go back to fundamentals again. But you will look at simple things from a new perspective by then.