Hilary Clinton Q & A , 第六部分

來源: 2msmom 2012-07-08 18:55:40 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3428 bytes)
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QUESTION: Imam Mohamed Magid from ADAMS Center in Virginia. My question for you, Madame Secretary: When you talk about social networking, we’re trying to address the issue of youth in the West, Muslim youth. Would you be open to the youth forum to speak about foreign policy? Because one of the reason that youth be radicalized, they don’t have a way to express themselves when they disagree with the United States Government or their own government overseas. Would you be open to those ideas?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes, we would. In fact, we – in the wake of the President’s speech in Cairo, we have been expanding dramatically our outreach, particularly to Muslim youth. I agree with you completely, sir, that not only young people in the Muslim world, but young people across the world are increasingly disconnected from authority, from government, from all kinds of institutions that have been historically the foundations of society, because they are so interconnected through the internet, something that my generation can’t really understand.
In America, the average young person spends eight hours a day with media. The internet, cell phones, television – I mean, you think about that. Eight hours a day. That’s more time than they spend in school, that’s more time than they spend with their families. It’s often more time than they spend asleep.
So when you think about the power of this information connection to young people, I don’t think it should cause panic in people my age. I don’t think we should begin trying to stop it and prevent it. We ought to figure out how better to utilize it. You go back to the millennia; how were values passed around? Sitting around a fire, how were values communicated? In the homes by parents and grandparents. Now, values are being communicated by the internet, and we cannot stop it.
So let’s figure out how better to use it, participate in it, and particularly to focus on the needs of young people. They’re often looking for information. They’re looking for answers. At least until now, in most cultures that I’m aware of, despite all of the time that young people spend with technology, when they’re asked who do they look to for guidance about values, they still say their families. But if families increasingly feel disconnected from their highly connected young people and don’t know what their young people are doing online, then we see the problems that can result.
And there are so many manipulators online right now, not just stoking the anxieties and the fears of Muslim youth, but youth everywhere, defined by all kinds of characteristics.
So we have our own work to do, not just through our government but through our families, through our education systems, and every other institution to make sure we understand the power of this technology and to engage with young people through it and about it.


wow. 讀得好。 very impressive. -jingbeiboy- 給 jingbeiboy 發送悄悄話 jingbeiboy 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/08/2012 postreply 19:56:49

謝謝京北美言 -2msmom- 給 2msmom 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/09/2012 postreply 09:04:40

Super! muslim is a bit off. -NewVoice- 給 NewVoice 發送悄悄話 NewVoice 的博客首頁 (365 bytes) () 07/09/2012 postreply 06:05:14

謝謝新聲。Always very helpful. Very appreciated. -2msmom- 給 2msmom 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/09/2012 postreply 09:03:56



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