Learned morale and refinroce. Thanks.

來源: EnLearner 2012-07-05 20:43:23 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1621 bytes)
回答: 《每日一譯》*=*=*原文DailyTranslation2012-07-04 15:13:53


mo·rale /məˈræl/ noun

[noncount] : the feelings of enthusiasm and loyalty that a person or group has about a task or job
▪ The company has been struggling and employee morale is low. [=employees do not feel happy or enthusiastic about their work]
▪ The team is playing well and their morale is high.
▪ The President's speech boosted/raised/improved the morale of the troops.
re·in·force /ˌri:jənˈfoɚs/ verb
re·in·forc·es; re·in·forced; re·in·forc·ing

[+ obj] 1: to strengthen (a group of people) with new supplies or more people
▪ The captain sent out another squad to reinforce the troops.
▪ Our camp is reinforced with supplies flown in by helicopter.

2: to strengthen (something, such as clothing or a building) by adding more material for support
▪ She reinforced the elbows of the jacket. [=she sewed more material onto the elbows of the jacket]
▪ The soldiers reinforced [=strengthened] the barricades with sandbags.
▪ The levees will need to be reinforced.

3: to encourage or give support to (an idea, behavior, feeling, etc.)
▪ The bad weather forecast only reinforces our decision to leave early tomorrow.
▪ Some critics say that the movie reinforces negative stereotypes about the military.
▪ We do our best to reinforce good conduct in the classroom.






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