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回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-06-28 19:37:40


諾拉•埃夫龍(Nora Ephron)是一位散文作家和編劇,她對美食、房產和男女關係的癡迷令好萊塢的浪漫喜劇重新煥發魅力。


Nora Ephron was an essayist and screenwriter whose fixation on food, real estate and the relationships between men and women helped reinvigorate the Hollywood romantic comedy.


fix·ate /ˈfɪkˌseɪt/ verb
fix·ates; fix·at·ed; fix·at·ing

[no obj] : to look at or think about something constantly : to give all of your attention to something — usually + on or upon
▪ Why do journalists fixate on scandals?
fixated adjective [more fixated; most fixated]
▪ Why are journalists are so fixated on scandals?
— fix·a·tion /fɪkˈseɪʃən/noun, plural fix·a·tions [count]
▪ The band is my latest music fixation. [=the music I am thinking about constantly most recently]
▪ the media's fixation on scandals
▪ society's fixation on [=obsession with] race

in·vig·o·rate /ɪnˈvɪgəˌreɪt/ verb
in·vig·o·rates; in·vig·o·rat·ed; in·vig·o·rat·ing
[+ obj] 1: to give life and energy to (someone)
▪ A brisk walk in the cool morning air always invigorates me
▪ He was invigorated by the positive feedback.

2: to cause (something) to become more active and lively
▪ The mayor has plans to invigorate the downtown economy.
— invigoratingadjective [more invigorating; most invigorating]
▪ an invigorating walk

re-/ri/ prefix

1: again
▪ refill [=fill again]
▪ redo [=do over; do again]

2: back to an original place, condition, etc.
▪ recall [=call something back]



