說的很對!我也反思下這件事,我也有做的不好的地方。The whole thing brought the dark side of me out. 還是那句話 - sometimes you have to put your feet in other people's shoes in order to understand others。 這件事發生後, 我好好想了一下 race 的問題,寫了一篇文章,放在我的博克裏,算是一個收獲吧。
說的很對!我也反思下這件事,我也有做的不好的地方。The whole thing brought the dark side of me out. 還是那句話 - sometimes you have to put your feet in other people's shoes in order to understand others。 這件事發生後, 我好好想了一下 race 的問題,寫了一篇文章,放在我的博克裏,算是一個收獲吧。
(538 bytes)
06/22/2012 postreply
Thank you! doyouknowme MM.
(710 bytes)
06/22/2012 postreply
you should call by-law to deal with it.
(0 bytes)
06/22/2012 postreply
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