by the way

回答: 鯊魚兄我也不太了解。sportwoman2012-06-19 16:40:04

I myself am 100% Chinese, not a heinz 57, not even a bit. In the future, if we happen to argue/fight over something with each other hope you guys won't get hostile towards me. 順便說一說我是100%的中國人,我家祖先沒人娶過越南人,因此我是絕對純正的中國人。以後如果萬一發生兩陣交鋒口水戰事情,希望各位對偶不敢說是手下留情,但隻要不下狠手偶就好感激。

那天那個誰說我是牆上蘆葦頭重腳輕根底淺某種程度上是應該對的,我本來就應該做騎牆派sitting on the fence.


做騎牆派的好處不用說大家都知道 -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 sportwoman 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/19/2012 postreply 17:07:33
