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回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-06-12 20:16:52




Strong showings from both an animated franchise's latest installment and a science-fiction thriller ended a post-'Avengers' lull at the box office, adding some needed juice to Hollywood's summer.


showing noun

plural showings

[count] 1: the act of making a movie, television show, piece of art, etc., available for the public to see
The movie's last showing tonight is at 10:30.
2: a performance or appearance of a particular kind — usually singular
He had a poor showing [=he performed poorly] in the tournament.
  Both candidates are expected to make a good/strong showing [=to get many votes] in next week's election.

lull noun plural lulls

[count] : a brief time when an action or activity stops — usually + in
  There were several lulls in the conversation.
  a lull in the fighting/action
  a lull in the storm