*=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英參考答案》 *=*=*

回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-06-03 19:33:03



為期五天的香港佳士得(Christie's) 2012年春季拍賣會於周三落下帷幕,總成交額為27億港元(合3.517億美元)。拍品包括中國水墨畫、亞洲現代藝術品、葡萄酒和鑽石等各類藏品。


Christie's wrapped up its five-day spring auctions in Hong Kong on Wednesday, and the final bill is in: the auction house sold 2.7 billion Hong Kong dollars (US$351.7 million) of collectibles, ranging from Chinese ink paintings and Asian modern art to wine and diamonds.


Grammar and Style:

Run-On Sentences.

Just as there's nothing inherently wrong with a long word, there's nothing wrong with a long sentence. But it has to be grammatical. A run-on sentence is ungrammatical, not just long. It often happens when two sentences are run into one without the proper subordination or punctuation. Two sentences glued together with only a comma produce a comma splice, a kind of run-on: for instance, “The semester runs through April, the break begins in May.” There are a number of ways of fixing this comma-splice: “The semester runs through April. The break begins in May”; “The semester runs through April, and the break begins in May”; “The semester runs through April; the break begins in May”; “The semester runs through April, whereas the break begins in May,” and so on. See Semicolon and Dependent versus Independent Clauses

Source: http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing/r.html#runon

Comma Splice.

A comma splice is probably the most widespread variety of run-on sentence: it's where two independent clauses are stuck together with just a comma. You usually need some better way to attach them to one another: use a period or a semicolon in place of the comma; use a coordinating conjunction like and or or; or use a subordinating conjunction like because or although. [Entry added 10 December 2006.]

Source:  http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing/c.html#commasplice


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christie's is an art business and a fine arts auction house, and currently the world's second largest, after Sotheby's, with sales in 2011 some $5.7 billion.[1]
Christie's main London salesroom is on King Street in St. James's, where it has been based since 1823. It has a second London salesroom in South Kensington which opened in 1975 and primarily handles the middle market. Christie's South Kensington is one of the world's busiest auction rooms.
As of January 2009,[5] Christie's had 85 offices (not all are salesrooms) in 43 countries, including New York City, Los Angeles, Paris, Geneva, Houston, Amsterdam, Moscow, Vienna, Buenos Aires, Berlin, Rome, South Korea, Milan, Madrid, Japan, China, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Tel Aviv, Dubai, and Mexico City. In 1995, Christie's became the first international auction house to exhibit works of art in Beijing, China.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christie's

佳士得在倫敦的主拍賣場位於聖詹姆斯的國王大街(King Street),這個拍賣場從1823年起就開始使用。這在倫敦的第二個拍賣場位於南肯辛頓,這個拍賣場開放於1975年並主要負責中部市場。南肯辛頓的拍賣場是全世界最忙碌的拍賣場之一。截止2009年1月[4],佳士得在43個國家和地區共有85個機構(不完全是拍賣場),包括紐約、洛杉磯、巴黎、日內瓦、阿姆斯特丹、莫斯科、維也納、布宜諾斯艾利斯、柏林、羅馬、韓國、米蘭、西班牙、日本、中國、澳大利亞、香港、新加坡、曼穀、特拉維夫、迪拜及墨西哥城。

Source: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BD%B3%E5%A3%AB%E5%BE%97




