回複:Translation exercise 老孫喜得貴子+公約

來源: bmdn 2012-05-25 08:29:49 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2595 bytes)
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回答: Translation exercise 老孫喜得貴子+公約sportwoman2012-05-25 05:47:25

1) 老孫喜得貴子,夫妻琢磨取名,姓孫的中就數孫中山最偉大,於是就名“孫中山”。到了派出所,硬是不同意。NND,夫妻惱了火,心想一定取個比孫中山牛兩倍的,廢寢忘食了幾天,又回到派出所報戶口,遞上新名“孫串出”。——————————警察立即咽氣倒地。

Mr. Sun just got a son and he was overjoyed. The couple worked hard to give their son a name of great significance. Among the great Suns, Sun Yat Sen was probably the greatest, so they named their son Sun Yat Sen. At the local resident registration office, the officials rejected them. God Damn It! The couple was infuriated, They were determined to name their son double the greatness of that Sun Yat Sen. After some sleepless and restless nights and days, they went back to the registration office and submitted their choice of their son's name: "Sun YatYat SenSen". ---- The officer couldn't breath a word and fell to the floor.


Article V: Regardless who is right or wrong, on the start of any quarell, the man must first soothe the woman gently, and the woman may calm down. Otherwise the woman may ramble endlessly if the man keeps rambling. The man must bear the responsibilities of any serious consequences if this occurs.


Thank you for participating! -sportwoman- 給 sportwoman 發送悄悄話 sportwoman 的博客首頁 (168 bytes) () 05/25/2012 postreply 08:55:51



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