Thanks for reading it.

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回答: Very good story!sportwoman2012-05-21 07:28:45

She was always the centre of the group---she was always in the spotlight---an eye catcher?

with which you could near many girls officially, touch them legally ( you mean naturally?)


1.  "Spotlight" is fine. I think that is the word you want to use for someone truly important such as movie star, politicians.  My character in the story was popular, in a much smaller magnitude, but not at an elevated level of being in the spotlight.   "Eye catcher" is not the word in my mind. Qiao was not a beautiful girl, but she is very lovely and charming kind of girl.  You need get really close to her to discover her attractions.  Xie was an "eye-catcher".

2.  I mean "legally".  You don't want to know what might happen if you touched a girl in any other circumstances the way I did in a dance ball.  If you want to use "naturally", then what is the case of "unnaturally"?

