戴蒙(Mr. Dimon)稱,這一錯誤非常嚴重,咎由自取,他還說公司將承認並改正錯誤,繼續前進。
Beijing has loosened monetary policy in an attempt to spur growth, after a raft of disappointing data last week showed a continued slowdown in the world’s second-biggest economy.
da·ta /ˈdeɪtə, ˈdætə/ noun
1 [plural] : facts or information used usually to calculate, analyze, or plan something
▪ She spent hours reviewing the data from the experiment.
▪ They made their decisions based on the survey data.
▪ Much of the data is inconclusive.
▪ The company has access to your personal data.
usage Data is plural in form but is used with both plural and singular verbs.
▪ Is this data accurate?
▪ Are these data reliable?
When used with plural verbs, data is thought of as the plural form of the noun datum. It is usually used with plural verbs only in formal or technical writing.
▪ Many of these data are incorrect.
2 [noncount] : information that is produced or stored by a computer
▪ She works as a data entry clerk.
▪ There was too much data for the computer to process
▪ He is an expert in data retrieval. [=finding information stored on a computer]
2raft noun
plural rafts
[count] : a large amount or number or people or things
▪ a raft of political supporters
1raft/ˈræft, Brit ˈrɑ:ft/noun
plural rafts
[count] 1: a flat structure that is used for floating or sailing on water
2: a plastic or rubber boat that you have to fill with air in order to use — see also life raft
life raft noun
plural ∼ rafts
[count] : a small rubber boat designed for saving the lives of people when a larger boat or ship sinks
mon·e·tary /ˈmɑ:nəˌteri, Brit ˈmʌnətri/ adjective
1: of or relating to money
▪ a crime committed for monetary gain
2: of or relating to the money in a country's economy
▪ this administration's monetary policy
▪ Gold was once the basis of the U.S. monetary system.
banking noun
[noncount] : the business of operating a bank
▪ They are both in banking.
▪ He chose banking as a career.
▪ the banking industry
fi·nan·cial /fəˈnænʃəl/ adjective
: relating to money
▪ The company is headed for financial disaster.
▪ a family struggling with financial problems
▪ I would like some financial advice before I buy this house.
▪ You can get a loan at a financial institution. [=a company that deals with money; a bank]