
本文內容已被 [ tingfeng ] 在 2012-05-11 16:10:35 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Wenqing, I feel your enthusiasm, passion, energy and your rich emotions by reading the post.

Whichever experience you had in the past year, they all help you grow in different ways in your life. Like Voice sis said, being on the forum shouldn’t be black and white, you can still drop in at anytime for any reason. I am looking forward to seeing your posts in the future.



Your strong insights and hard work made you succeed on your pronunciation and accent reduction. I am very thrilled on your improvement over the past 4 months. Your voice is rich, unique, and you don’t have a monotone.


Your audio clips were the first thing drawn my attention. I thought she was very eager to improve her pronunciation and accent. I wanted to tell her to take things easy since they would eventually come. I posted the “English is stupid” video clip to get the message cross, hopefully, it didn’t discourage you.


My best wishes to your new job and a new journal of life.
