hold out 用在這種商業競標中是什麽意思?

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he was holding out for as much as €11 a share.

在這裏hold out表達的是出價還是說維持?


“Everyone is expecting a higher bid,” SNS fund manager Corne van Zeijl said on Monday, adding that rival FedEx may enter the fray. He said he expected UPS would win the prize.

“FedEx can possibly come with an offer. Ten euros per share is possible. Because FedEx is smaller, they can finance it less easily.”

Mr. Van Zeijl said he was holding out for as much as €11 a share.

Dutch post firm PostNL, which is TNT’s biggest shareholder with a 29.9-per-cent stake and holds the key to any talks with a buyer, declined to comment.


是待價而沽的意思, 你可以譯為"等待" 或 "期待" (意譯). -LawAndOrder- 給 LawAndOrder 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/27/2012 postreply 22:32:57
