VOA Agriculture + A Tongue Twister




進步很大,不浪費你的苦練,有幾個詞真要了我的半老命。friendly裏的d音讀得 -bingli-(0 bytes) (3 reads) 4/24/12


走馬讀人uni-VER-city, ver is e not o , e is in front, o in back



The University(發得象w of Georgia is a respected(up)c沒有聽到)  research(down)(發得象sh university(down). Thirty-five(soft) thousand(soft)  students (down) attend the main campus(soft) in Athens, Georgia, and extended (emphasis ) campuses(soft) around the state. And among its areas of research(down) is agriculture.

UGA has a center in San Luis de Monteverde in Costa Rica. This (emphasis) center is for students and visitors who want to learn more about farming and living in environmentally friendly ways.

Some(emphasis) students take a class called "Coffee: From Bean to Cup." Coffee is one of the most widely traded products in the world, and the most important agricultural product(emphasis)  for Costa Rica.


美風The University of Georgia is a respected(up)  research(down) university(down). Thirty-five(soft) thousand(soft)  students (down) attend the main campus(soft) in Athens, Georgia, and extended (emphasis ) campuses(soft) around the state. And among its areas of research(down) is agriculture.

UGA has a center in San Luis de Monteverde in Costa Rica. This (emphasis) center is for students and visitors who want to learn more about farming and living in environmentally friendly ways.

Some(emphasis) students take a class called "Coffee: From Bean to Cup." Coffee is one of the most widely traded products in the world, and the most important agricultural product(emphasis)  for Costa Rica.


It seems that you can’t distinguish between “w” and “v” sounds. I had the same problem before, and had worked very hard on “v” and “w” sounds. Here is the link to a video, which may halp you.



“English, respected, Athens" seem a bit off







Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather


Think about this thing, that thing, and those things.

