
來源: 非文學青年 2012-04-19 10:47:05 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1529 bytes)
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回答: 看到大家的進步很羨慕,900句第47課金迷2012-04-18 19:03:52

Lesson 47: Mysterious Experiences
691. My aunt said she once saw a ghost.應是ai音
692. What was that noise? z音
693. I think there’s something in the darkness.
694. No one knew what happened to Simon.
695. The killer’s(有點兒偏i:) identity(ai可以飽滿點兒) remained unknown.
696. The police don’t know who took the jewels.
697. Her recipe is good because of the secret ingredient.
698. His job(可以嘴大一點) in the war is still a secret.
699. She says that she can predict(重音) someone’s future.
700. Some people believe that aliens visit Earth from other planets.
701. Truthfully, there have been some unexplained(太短,象i) occurrences around the house.
702. Mysterious noises like you heard that seem to have no natural causes.
703. Doors that seem to close on their own and objects that get moved around but not by human hands.這兩個that讀得重了點兒
704. A couple of months ago, a friend and I went to a psychic(ai音) just for a few kicks.
705. Not everything that happens in the world can be explained.



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