感謝各位老師同學的收聽! 如果您不覺得太麻煩的話我會很高興收到您的建議!主要是英語,先感謝了! 中文湊合著你們都能聽明白我講的吧?要不實在是教人找不著活下去的理由了 :-)))
English: http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/1332956261.mp3
Speaking of getting hair cut, same here, I am not happy with my hair dressers either. Every time when they have my hair done and hold a mirror in the back of my noggin asking me to take a look at their "good job" I would say it in a pleasant tone of voice:" yes, good! Well done! Thank you! " with a poker face---I try to hide my feelings sometimes because I don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings, but I am kind of a passionate person who is not very successful with this. Well, I am not here to say anything racist about white people, my hair dressers are white, so don't get me wrong. What I am trying to say is that the aesthetic judgement could be very different in the eyes of different people who are from different backgrounds or ethnics. Maybe it is just me. When I was a little girl every time after my parents or hair dressers got my hair cut, and looking at myself in the mirror I would be very upset about what they had done to me or held the grudge against my parents, because I didn't really want to get my hair cut. However, beside being upset I would just hide myself somewhere and cry alone for the whole afternoon.
我也是對我發型師的工作不滿意,每次剪完後他們都會拿一個鏡子在我腦袋後麵照讓我看看他們的功勞。我就會用很高興語調說,好,好極了,我喜歡,謝謝! 但是臉上是不高興的。我嚐試去掩飾我真實的感覺可是因為我是一個感情比較豐富的人,所以總是不很成功。啊,我在這兒呢並不是要說一些關於白人的不好的話,所以千萬不要誤會。我是說在審美方麵,來自不同背景或種族的人是很不同的。 也許可能是我自己的原因吧。我小的時候,每次我父母幫我剪頭發或者帶我到理發店去剪,每次完事之後我都會很鬱悶,或者對我父母懷恨在心,因為我根本就不想剪頭發。無論如何,除了鬱悶,我就會找一個地方躲起來在那兒哭上一個下午。