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回答: 交作業:900 第30課金迷2012-03-03 15:47:07


Lesson 30: Hatred
436. I hate going to work.
437. Hatred often comes from ignorance and fear.
438. It’s wrong to hate people from different cultures.
439. She gave(這個也是和give的區別) him a hateful look.
440. His voice was full of hate.
441. Hate can feel very powerful.有點卷舌了好象
442. Hatred makes it difficult to forgive.
443. I loathe that man.
444. He despises everything about France.
445. She hates the color yellow.
446. I just don’t feel like running into him.
447. Something about him just rubs me the wrong way.
448. I hate that, because it is very impolite.
449. I just saw someone who I’d rather not be around.
450. I can’t stand him.


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