【Don't Quit】葉子誦

來源: ~葉子~ 2012-02-20 13:19:58 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4209 bytes)
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When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit



2012冬 於美國


好詩好誦! -肖莊- 給 肖莊 發送悄悄話 肖莊 的博客首頁 (278 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 14:55:16

謝謝肖莊! 敬佩你的學習精神。新周快樂~ -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 15:01:22

Nice 葉子誦 -走馬讀人- 給 走馬讀人 發送悄悄話 走馬讀人 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 14:57:45

謝謝走馬讀人! 我還在學習中,在實踐中提高哈~ -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 15:02:06

先聽讀了,後跟著原文又聽一遍,讀的太有氣勢了! -yingyudidida- 給 yingyudidida 發送悄悄話 yingyudidida 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 15:13:12

謝謝yingyudidida的鼓勵!堅持就是勝利哈~ -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 19:02:07

擲地有聲的朗讀加鼓舞人心的背景音樂, 讓人深受鼓舞! -tingfeng- 給 tingfeng 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 18:03:29

謝謝tingfeng!Don’t Quit. 讓我們互勉吧。 -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 19:03:35

對, 讓我們互勉! -tingfeng- 給 tingfeng 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 19:05:18

葉子姐姐讀得真有氣勢,鼓舞人心!熱烈鼓掌!!! -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 19:56:35

謝謝美風妹妹的掌聲!欣賞你的朗誦,你的歌聲,和你的秀美照~ 祝快樂~ -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 15:16:42

Great narration. Don't quit. So inspiring! -EnLearner- 給 EnLearner 發送悄悄話 EnLearner 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/20/2012 postreply 20:39:54

Thanks, EnLearner, for your encouragement! That means a lot! -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 15:17:35

讀得充滿了感情,真好! -bingli- 給 bingli 發送悄悄話 bingli 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 03:07:06

問好bingli!謝謝你的鼓勵! -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 15:18:26

讀得棒極了。 -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 09:20:58

婉蕠,我們互相勉勵哈~ 謝謝你! -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2012 postreply 15:19:13



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