《每日一句漢譯英》一周匯總 (23)

來源: EnLearner 2012-02-05 00:03:23 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2250 bytes)
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Those who take short breaks away from their seats – lasting as little as a minute – at regular intervals throughout the day are less likely to be overweight and have high blood pressure.

以人與自然之間對抗為主題的驚悚片《人狼大戰》(The Grey)在剛剛過去的這個周末以2千萬美元成績成為票房冠軍,再次鞏固了不再年輕的尼森(Liam Neeson)在動作明星中的王牌地位。

The man-vs-nature thriller 'The Grey' grossed $20 million over the weekend, topping the box office and solidifying star Liam Neeson's status as an older action hero.


In a statement Monday, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman insisted China has "indisputable sovereignty" over the East China Sea islands, known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan.

斯坦福大學商學院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)憑借其畢業生的賺錢能力,首次榮登英國《金融時報》全球商學院排名的榜首。

The earning power of alumni from Stanford Graduate School of Business has propelled it to the top of the Financial Times Global MBA rankings for the first time.


For proof that coffee is taking off in China, look no further than Chinese consumers’ reaction to recent price increases at Starbucks Corp.


Starbucks fans in China turned to the Internet to complain, helping to make the Chinese term for Starbucks, “Xing Ba Ke,” one of the top trending terms on China’s biggest search engine, Baidu.com.


謝匯總。 -斕婷- 給 斕婷 發送悄悄話 斕婷 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/05/2012 postreply 07:30:32

新周愉快。 -EnLearner- 給 EnLearner 發送悄悄話 EnLearner 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/05/2012 postreply 14:47:23

Here is my practice. -偶然參與- 給 偶然參與 發送悄悄話 (425 bytes) () 02/05/2012 postreply 21:53:55

Thanks YuGong! -同學小薇- 給 同學小薇 發送悄悄話 同學小薇 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/06/2012 postreply 08:23:11



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