【周五練聽力】Opening Panel

來源: 非文學青年 2012-01-13 15:37:19 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3257 bytes)
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Right now, panel, it's time for you answer some questions. Now this week, as we've said, they're all about health and fitness. Tom, nutritionists at Carnegie Mellon University have revealed the secret to staying thin. It has nothing to do with going to the gym or eating salads. They say you should just do what?

TOM BODETT: I'm going to go out on a ( ) here and say eat less.

SAGAL: Well, it's a trick so as to make yourself eat less specifically. It's a method you can use to eat less.

BODETT: Put fewer things in your mouth.


SAGAL: It's like...

BODETT: I need a hint.

SAGAL: It's like you're familiar with the ( ) ( ), this is the ( ) ( ).

BODETT: Oh, imagine it tastes bad.


BODETT: Imagine...

SAGAL: I'll give it to you. It's basically you imagine yourself eating.


BODETT: But you are eating.

SAGAL: Not yet.


SAGAL: This is what you do.

SAGAL: All right, this is how it works. So imagine, and everybody can do this; imagine a delicious meal, whatever it is. Picture digging into a ( ) plate of whatever it is you love. Now stop. Thought, it's what's for dinner.

SAGAL: According to the journal Science, the act of imagining chewing and swallowing specific foods is enough to satisfy your cravings and thus you'll eat less real food and thus lose weight.

BODETT: Yeah, that's how I work out too.

SAGAL: Yeah.


SAGAL: So you just sit there and you go: oh, feeling the burn, feeling the burn.


SAGAL: Usually while eating.

BODETT: Right.

SAGAL: Now many are ( ) of this sort of "think" method, if you will.

BODETT: I'm one of them.

SAGAL: You are. Because thinking about burritos usually lead to eating burritos.


SAGAL: Right, you know. And of course, in severe cases, thinking about burritos can lead to a brain fart.


SAGAL: But the idea is like there's a mental reason to eat, which is that you want to satisfy your mental cravings for food. But these apparently can be satisfied by simple visualization.

BODETT: But what about your actual physical cravings for food, which are actual and you need food to live?


SAGAL: Well, you're not supposed to just think of food. You're supposed to think of food and then...

BODETT: Well, now you didn't say that. Now, you didn't say that. You made it sound like all we're supposed to think of food and we'll live forever.


BODETT: Your words.

SAGAL: It's okay, if you get real hungry though, you can always go back for second thoughts.


謝謝文青,現在壇裏比較熱鬧。等清靜下來的時候聽。 -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2012 postreply 16:57:10

Hmmm...for some reason I can only see text, don't have audio -同學小薇- 給 同學小薇 發送悄悄話 同學小薇 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2012 postreply 17:29:47

sorry, here is the link: -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (140 bytes) () 01/13/2012 postreply 17:47:46

Thanks! 回複:【周五練聽力】Opening Panel -同學小薇- 給 同學小薇 發送悄悄話 同學小薇 的博客首頁 (2989 bytes) () 01/13/2012 postreply 19:15:11

這篇聽力文章真有趣,謝分享,周末快樂。 -祤湫霖- 給 祤湫霖 發送悄悄話 祤湫霖 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/14/2012 postreply 14:54:52



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