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回答: 【周五練聽力】Prediction非文學青年2012-01-06 09:31:49

SAGAL: Now panel, tell us, how will the world end in 2012? Alonzo Bodden?

ALONZO BODDEN: Surprisingly, Herman Cain is going to win the Republican nomination. And when forced to choose between two black people, the (conservative) decide to (nuke ) the planet instead.
SAGAL: It's simpler that way. Paula Poundstone?

PAULA POUNDSTONE: Rick Perry will finally get through to God about the ( rain) but forget to (stipulate ) how much and the world will ((be?) flood ).

SAGAL: And Nick Hancock?NICK HANCOCK: As financial meltdown (overtakes ) every country on the planet, God (reprocesses ) earth.
