新聞Romney Wins Narrow Victory In Iowa視頻

來源: 祤湫霖 2012-01-04 08:50:56 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3234 bytes)
回答: 教育:More Education Increases IQ Score(音頻)祤湫霖2012-01-04 07:06:46
新聞Romney Wins Narrow Victory In Iowa視頻 (ZT)

In U.S. presidential politics, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney was declared the winner of the Iowa Republican party caucus by the narrowest of margins over former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum. It was a big night for both candidates who were in a virtual tie for hours.

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas placed third in the first major test in the 2012 race for the Republican presidential nomination and the chance to challenge President Barack Obama in the November election.
-->It was a big night for long shot contender and conservative favorite Rick Santorum who surged here in the final weeks.

"You have taken the first step of taking back this country," exclaimed Santorum.

Also bunched at the top was former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, still considered by many the leading contender for the Republican nomination.

"This is a campaign night where America wins. We are going to change White House and get America back on track," stated Romney.

“The energy you have and the efforts you have made, but what makes me feel really good about it is you are doing it because believe in something,” said Congressman Ron Paul of Texas who finished a strong third.

But it was a disappointing night for Texas Governor Rick Perry, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and former House speaker Newt Gingrich, who finished well back and must now find a way to regroup.

Earlier, voters gathered at caucus sites across Iowa, including small meeting rooms where votes were counted by hand and larger gatherings like this one at a high school near Des Moines.

Samona Joy Yentes lobbied her neighbors for Rick Santorum and even spoke before the caucus on his behalf.

“We want to send you a strong candidate that we believe will go toe to toe and will defeat Barack Obama and provide strong leadership for our nation,” said Yentes.

The close finish in Iowa could signal a long and divisive Republican primary campaign, says pollster Frank Luntz.

“It is interesting that some Republicans are most interested in defeating each other than they are in defeating the president," said Luntz. "That is not going to play well over the long term.”

President Obama addressed Democrats caucusing for him in Iowa and Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz told reporters here that the president is ready to face whichever Republican wins the nomination.

“Fighting for the middle class, beginning to get the economy turned around, and Republicans, any one of them, that want us to return to the failed policies of the past that brought us to the precipice of economic disaster,” said Wasserman Schultz.

The Republican race now shifts to New Hampshire where Mitt Romney is a strong favorite.




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