Chinese idioms and New Year Wishes

來源: 動京城 2012-01-02 06:05:48 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (8768 bytes)
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Another Early wake up in the morning, nothing particular to do yet, so I started to read a book in my pajama. It is a book that my father gave to my son some time ago, and it is about Chinese idioms and their stories, and it hasn’t been read yet. I haven’t read a book for ages, and once again, felt the deepness and richness for Chinese culture and literature. So I extract some of them here to share with my readers as a New Year encouragement.




The original meaning of the expression was to retouch an old painting to make it shine again. Cao Ba was a legendary artist who undertook a royal assignment to recreate the murals of 24 heroes. When his work was completed, the new paintings caused an enduring sensation.  Some of the figures were so vivid that viewers felt they could almost step from the wall.


Today this idiom is now widely used to describe someone who adopts a new style or breaks a new path particularly in the creation of art or literature. I wanted to use the expression to make a wish to my friend, Hai Ou. You have found a senior accountant job in the New Year for a European company after you moved to Winnipeg.  I wish you move your career to another level, from small business now to a big company as you planned, and you have already broken a new path, and I believe you will make it shine. Same to Li Yong, you had your ups and downs last year from Rim, but you made it, and you will soar in the new field.




Yang was a legendary archer, who could shoot at a leaf from a distance of 100 paces, while others only could do it at a distance of about 50 paces. When one of the young archers dared Yang to shoot down more willow leaves to prove he was a sharp-shooter, he collected a 100 arrow and then shot them one after another, and he had all bullseyes.


Today we use this quote to describe an expert marksman regardless whether he uses an arrow, a tone, a knife, a gun or a rocket. I want to use this expression to make a wish to my friends who changed their job last year. Jane, Limin, and my hubby, you all faced new challenges for your new jobs. No matter you use a soft tool or a machine tool, I wish you use it exquisitely, and become expert in your field.




I barely know this idiom. It is a Chinese version of a fable between a tortoise and a hare.  No, actually it is between a lame turtle and six steeds. They all decided to leave their home to look for a better place to live. Turtle was in poor condition, but found its way to the paradise. The key is to resolutely pursue the goal.

I want to encourage linbin by using this idiom. I know you have a PHD, but the knowledge is hard to find a market. Despite all the difficulties and unfavorite condition, please stick to your target, and I wish you will find the Promised Land that God has in store for you.




 The best advice you can give anyone is to tell them to follow good advice. It was a battle story between two states. Even though, majority suggested confront the strong enemy, the minister decided to take the safe option, as suggested by three minority aides.  When he was asked why he rejected majority, he said good advice is true representative of the majority. He finally found a favourable opportunity to won the battle.


I understand teenagers have a lot of bad influence from the world nowadays. I wish my son, and all other his teen friends, can learn to follow what is good naturally and happily, just like a river follows its course.




People tend to become homesick when they move to new places. But, sometimes, when they’re having a very good time, they care less about home. Such is true sometime, when families are apart, and people are engaged in their own chores, and started to enjoy life in somewhere else.


I am happy to see Wenhong had finally fulfill her mission to raise her daughter to such an excellent youth abroad, and finally can reunion with her hu*****and back home.  She must have had moment to enjoy different pleasure here, but I am glad she found her way home this year, to appreciate more family value. Wish you all the best for the New Year, and don’t forget to come back to see us. You have given us so much fun these years, and we will miss you.




Chicken ribs give a good chew, but they are almost tasteless. Today, the idiom is often used to describe anything that is of little value but would be a pity to throw away.


We waited almost three years, finally received response for sponsorship of my parents to Canada. We had lots of discussion about the pros and cons of their coming, and my parents decided not to have the chicken ribs. First of all, my brother didn’t feel happy about the idea that my parents wanted to immigrant, said they didn’t trust him. And then, there were worries that they couldn’t see a doctor here so quick, then too little social life, make their brain dull faster. Finally I have to agree this is to their best interest, and I am happy they can let go. I wish my parents and in laws enjoy their life, be healthier and happier in new year.     


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    既學中文又學英語,真好,謝謝分享。 -祤湫霖- 給 祤湫霖 發送悄悄話 祤湫霖 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/02/2012 postreply 06:46:19

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