學一個詞:Christmas Season(音頻文字)

學一個詞:Christmas Season 來源:VOA
請點擊聆聽:Wish You A Merry Christmas
請點擊聆聽:Twas The Night Before Christmas

今天我們要學的詞是Christmas season. Christmas聖誕節。Christmas season就是聖誕節前後一段時間的統稱,可以翻譯為聖誕季。最新的聖誕季銷售數據顯示美國經濟有所好轉。

"The National Retail Federation predicted a 3.8% increase in retail sales during this Christmas season," 美國零售業聯合會預計今年聖誕季的零售量會增長3.8%。聖誕季也是交通最繁忙的季節之一。

"Christmas season also means the holiday travel rush is here," 聖誕季也意味著節日交通高峰期的到來。

"Numerous churches and organizations are spreading holiday cheer with free community meals this Christmas season," 聖誕季期間,教會等組織提供免費飯菜,給節日快樂帶給更多人。 好的,今天我們學習的詞是Christmas season.


