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Chinese Garden  you have to roll down to see

Learn Mandarin Chinese through popular songs, children's rhymes, and stories. Learn about self-treatment and Traditional Chinese Medicine through therapeutic diet recipes, acupressure tips and meridian workouts.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

十二月花名歌 The Song of Flowers in Twelve Months

Learn how to say all these popular flowers in Chinese! I made a little changes here and there for language learning.

正月梅花香又香。 zheng1yue4 mei2hua1 xiang1 you4 xiang1.
二月蘭花盆裏裝。er2yue4 lan2hua2 peng2li3 zhuang1.
三月丁香花滿樹。san1yue4 ding1xiang1 hua1 man3 shu4.
四月杜鵑靠矮牆。si4yue4 du4juan1 kao4 ai3 qiang2.
五月百合香十裏, wu3yue4 bai3he2 xiang1 shi2li3.
六月玫瑰最漂亮。liu4yue4 mei3gui zui4piao4liang.
七月茉莉頭上戴。liu4yue4 mo4li tou2shang4 dai4.
八月荷花滿池塘。ba1yue4 he2hua1 man3 chi2tang2.
九月菊花初開放。jiu3yue4 ju2hua1 chu1 kai1fang4.
十月薰衣草吐芬芳。shi2yue4 xun1yi1cao3 tu3 fen1fang1.
十一月水仙擺上桌,shi2yi1yue4 shui3xian1 bai3 shang1 zhuo1.
十二月臘梅雪裏香。shi2er2yue4 la4mei2 xueli3 xiang1.



Jasmine flowers

winter plum blossoms

(According to the Chinese lunar calendar -- which is about one month later than the calendar you use, say, the first month means February),



Thanks. I rolled well down, haha. -rockcurrent- 給 rockcurrent 發送悄悄話 rockcurrent 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/13/2011 postreply 14:16:23
