Industry leader in being mean, haha.

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When you got to go, go Frontier Air”. The ( well-worn) slogan of the Denver based air carrier might have to be (flushed) as the airline announced this week that it would be eliminating (lavatories) on all flights less than two hours long. While not one of the larger airlines, Frontier has (led) the industry in cost-cutting measures. The first to eliminate in-flight meals, snacks, refreshment, and movies, they’ve also been charging for luggage for two years and based their seat size on the body outlines of a 12-year-old (gymnast).  The large carriers have all adopted Frontier’s ( previous) (efficiencies) so we can soon look forward to ( buldging) (bladders) on regional flights across the land.  Frontier COO Selga Cheris explained that maintaining (lavatories) on their planes costs the company 4 million dollars a year, and she adds our traditionally seat sizing might actually help passengers to (squeeze) their (knees) tightly together if they might.


Good Job! almost 全對 -好學又好問- 給 好學又好問 發送悄悄話 好學又好問 的博客首頁 (105 bytes) () 12/11/2011 postreply 20:06:33
