because you've helped me so much a, 咱不是說過,出來混不容易嗎?哈哈。

回答: Thanks so much for helping me improve. :D小麥熊2011-12-06 22:20:34

I've heard "legalization of gay(or same-sex) marriage" from the news. legitimate用到私生子上比較多,還見到過(MLK的speech, I have a dream裏)their legitimate discontent,就有點合情理的,可以理解的不滿意。

same-sex marriage這個事情是要在法律上生效,合法化的,就跟legal有關了,legitimate就off了,my 2 cents.



Good night. Sleep tight. Sweet dreams! -小麥熊- 給 小麥熊 發送悄悄話 小麥熊 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/06/2011 postreply 22:34:41

Of course, thanks so much Sis. -小麥熊- 給 小麥熊 發送悄悄話 小麥熊 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/06/2011 postreply 22:35:00
