回複:剛剛完成的一篇research essay,有建議你就提嘛.

本文內容已被 [ unchainedmelody ] 在 2011-12-03 21:36:08 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

文章結構清晰,主要論點論據清楚,a well written piece overall.  

A couple of things in general:

1) Words like "impact" or "support" are usually used in the singular form;

2) Sentences like "Setting up family meetings frequently, is also a democratic method to keeping communication channels open." can still show the reader your "writing accent"... (That's what my adviser told me once: "You're still writing with an accent." - A good way of putting it, isn't it-:))

Suggest change to: "Setting up family meetings frequently is also a good way of keeping communication channels open."

Or, I would prefer "Having regular family meetings is also a good way of keeping communication channels open.
