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回答: 【聽歌練聽力】Why? -Annie Lennox非文學青年2011-12-01 14:51:51

How many times do I have to try to tell you

That I'm sorry for the things I've done

But when I start to try to tell you

That's when you have to tell me

Hey... this kind of (troubles ) only just begun

I tell myself too many times

Why don't you ever learn to keep your (big ) ( mouth) (shut )

That's why it hurts so bad to (hear ) the words

That keep on falling from your mouth

Falling from your mouth

Falling from your mouth




Tell me...



I may be ( mad )

I may be ( blind )

I may be ( fish-s-ly? ) (unkind )

But I can still (read ) what you're thinking

And I've ( forsaken ) you too many times

That you'd be (  better) off


Why can't you see this (fool ) is ( thinking)

Let's go down to the ( warmth) edge

And we can ( cast) away those (down? )

Some things are better left (unsaid )

But they still turn me inside out

Turning inside out turning inside out

Tell me...


Tell me...


This is the ( ?) I never ( read)

These are the ( worries) I never (said )

This is the (parton? ) I'll never ( dread)

These are the ( dreams) I'll ( dream) instead

This is the ( joys) that's ( sailed?) (away )

These are the tears...

The tears we (shed )

This is the (fear )

This is the (dread )

These are the (counts? ) of my ( head)

And these are the years that we have (spent )

And this is what they (represent )

And this is how I feel

Do you know how I feel


要不要打分啊?趁我還記得告訴你。 -cha-cha- 給 cha-cha 發送悄悄話 cha-cha 的博客首頁 (35 bytes) () 12/01/2011 postreply 20:04:34

謝了,已經快被耳朵氣背過去了, -rockcurrent- 給 rockcurrent 發送悄悄話 rockcurrent 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/01/2011 postreply 20:24:15
