回複:回複:【聽歌練聽力】《Amarantine》 by Enya

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You know when you gave your love away
(It )(opened ) your heart, everything is (new)
(and) you know time (will) (always) find a way
To let your heart (believe) it's true
You know love is everything you(say )
A (whisper), a word,(promises ) you (give)
You (feel) it in the heartbeat of the day
You know this is the way (love) is

Love is (always) love

You know love may sometimes make you cry
So let the (tears) go, they (will) (flyflow) away
For you know love will always let you (cryfly)
How(far ) a heart can(fly ) away


You know when love's (shining) in your (eyes)
It may be the(stars ) (falling) from(above )
And you know love is (with) you when you (realizerise)
For (night) and (day) (belong) to love
