回複:*=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》*=*=*科技篇。

4. 《華盛頓郵報》星期日晚上報導說,據了解這份情報的西方外交官和核專家透露,伊朗已在外國科學家的幫助下完成關鍵步驟,克服了技術難題

Some Western diplomats and nuclear experts who are familiar with this intelligence said, Iran had finished the key steps and solved the most difficult technology problems. <<Washington Post>> reported on Sunday evening.

5. 曾在國際原子能機構工作的一名前任官員說,伊朗取得的進展包括設計測試引發核爆炸的爆炸裝置。

A former officer who used to work in the international nuclear organization states that Iran has made a big progress on nuclear explosive devices including designing and testing ignition nuclear explosion technology.
